36% Watch News Videos Online, And Lots Of Us Actually Supply Them, Too, Says Pew – MediaPost
The bottom line number, according to a new report from the Pew Research Journalism Project, is that now 36% of all adults watch news videos online.
Convergence will fuel online video growth – Business Standard
In just a few short years, video has exploded on to the internet, grabbing amazing mindshare and changing the way people shop, learn, play and communicate. In 2013 India’s total video audience grew 74 per cent to reach 54 million viewers…
Young Twentysomethings Watch More TV Online Than Via Cable – MediaPost
Advertisers and video providers, take note: The younger generation spends more screen time watching online video sources than TV, according to new data from research firm The Diffusion Group.
Almost Half Of Streaming Device Owners Want More: Study – Multichannel News
The market for specialized streaming devices is already full of competitors, with more on the way, but the good news for that group is that a sizable group of consumers who already own those OTT video devices will soon be on the prowl for at least one more.
Crackle Is Now Available on Google Chromecast – Video Ink
Crackle is now available on Chromecast, the USB-sized connected-TV stick from Google.